Age & Sun Spots

Age & Sun Spot Treatments

Advanced PicoSure Pro laser technology is used to target your unwanted skin hyperpigmentation. The energy delivered causes them to slowly disappear through your body’s natural healing process, revealing clearer, more beautiful-looking skin.

The PicoSure Pro laser is safe on all skin types unlike earlier generations of lasers.  It also has a significantly reduced chance of complications compared to older Q-Switch lasers and IPL (intense pulsed light).

Advanced Laser Treatment

The PicoSure laser delivers a 755 nm beam of light which is optimally absorbed by dark pigments (melanin).  The PicoSure laser pulses in under 1 billionth of a second (750 picoseconds hence the pico laser).

This super short beam of laser is absorbed by the dark pigments creating a pressure wave that shatters the dark pigments rather than generating a lot of heat.  Why is this fact so Important?  When our pigmented target is very stubborn such as melasma, or when our skin type is darker like in Asian or olive-toned skin types, this laser is more effective and has much less risk compared to other modalities such as IBL/BBL (which are technically not lasers because it contains light with many wavelengths rather than one wavelength).  Schedule online today to get started.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What type of lesions can we treat with PicoSure laser?

The PicoSure laser is great at targeting sun spots, age spots, stubborn melasma, dark pigmentation after acne as well as tattoos.

With the focused lens which looks like a beehive.  The PicoSure laser can also help even out acne scars as well as fine lines and wrinkles.

What results can be seen with the PicoSure Laser?

With each treatment, the patient can see a reduction of dark pigmentation, improved skin tone, and reduction in scars and irregularities of the skin if the focused lens is used.  Patients rave about their glowing skin, which can be seen after the first treatment, and they may require less makeup to hide skin imperfections.

How many treatments are needed?

We recommend three to four treatments every six weeks.  Improvement can be seen with every treatment.

What are some of the risks and side effects?

With any light-based treatment, there is a risk of hyperpigmentation as well as hypopigmentation.  However, this risk is much reduced with the PicoSure laser precisely because the pulse length is so short.

Earlier generation nano-second lasers pulses 100 times slower and are therefore less effective at getting rid of dark pigments, and more likely to cause hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.  IPL and BBL are not lasers, there is a much higher chance of hyperpigmentation (the lesions getting darker), especially in patients with darker skin types.

What can you expect after the PicoSure treatment?

The procedure itself is very well tolerated.  There may be a light stinging sensation. The skin may feel warm.  You may smell a burning scent but don’t worry the skin is not burning.  We provide a cooling device to use during the procedure and numbing cream, which can significantly reduce discomfort.

After the procedure, the face may look red.  There may be some mild swelling around the darkly pigmented lesions.  The redness and swelling should resolve within 24 hours.  The dark lesions may initially get darker, and the pigment will become fragmented over the next few days and fall off over the next 1-2 weeks.

The skin may feel dry for about 1-2 weeks, therefore it is essential to adequately apply moisturizer to the face daily.

Age & Sun Spot Treatments